Lightweight Architectural
Sound Walls


SoundZero offers lightweight architectural sound walls for bridge or structure mounted applications.

For over 35 years SoundZero has been providing light weight noise control for structure mounted applications that provide structural integrity, life safety and architectural appeal.


Sound Zero™ manages every aspect of the design, fabrication and pre-construction planning of your noise wall project. Our approach facilitates a precise, coordinated and streamlined process that delivers significant advantages in achieving expectations.

Sound Zero™ provides a single source, for new or existing (Type II) noise wall construction. We specialize in high performance noise abatement, to meet both acoustical and architectural requirements.

Whether your project is new construction or retro-fit of an existing project, Sound Zero™ can provide the critical design support to meet your project’s needs. Our noise wall system includes a proven passive restraint system, that prevent panels from departing a structure in the event of an accident.

Our drafting professionals create highly detailed and precise shop drawings of the physical and functional  components of the project to ensure embeds, posts and panels are coordinated. Well coordinated shop drawings helps to ensure communication between designers, fabricators contractors and installers is seamless.

Sound Zero™ is expert in coordinating all aspects of pre-construction planning, we work with the client and their design team to develop viable construction documents to meet the most demanding project criteria.

We have over thirty-five years of experience in the complexities of noise wall planning and understand  that scheduling, coordination and delivery is required for a successful project.


The Sound Zero™ system is a composite, lightweight acoustical barrier system designed for structure mounted noise wall applications.

Sound Zero™ panels are made “full height” (i.e. not stacked) to provide a seamless noise barrier. Most projects require ‘racked’ or parallelogram panels to match the sloped conditions.

Sound Zero™ barriers weigh approximately 8-12 PSF, making them the perfect solution for installations on existing structures where dead loading is an issue.

Sound Zero™ is unsurpassed when “Life Safety” is an issue. At 8-12psf and an internal safety restraint system, Sound Zero™ protects both the community and travelling public. The passive restraint system provides a truly effective restraint system in the event of an accident.

Project Gallery

Replacement Panels

Sound Zero panels can be used to remediate all types of damaged, deficient or deteriorated noise walls.
Our process allows us to provide panels to fit your needs:

  • Full height panels
    • Sloped
    • Notched
    • Angled
    • Panel thickness can be customized to meet your needs.
  • Architectural treatment
    • Custom shapes & details
    • Finishes; Unlimited variety of colors & textures

Please contact us directly with your specific needs for replacement panels.

News & Press

ADOT Fairview Yard

ADOT Mockup

SoundZero has partnered with Superior Transparent NB to erect a mockup in Phoenix.
The mockup includes a transparent barrier wall system with “Saguaro Cactus” graphics…..

Lightweight sound panels over Southern Avenue


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